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1.  Preaching God’s Word - Rightly dividing the Truth as preached and applying these principles to our lives
2.  Worshiping God and Giving Him glory - joyful worship of God giving Him the glory for Jesus, salvation and reconciling us  
3.  Teaching and Making Disciples - we exist to make disciples
4.  Spreading the Gospel and Witnessing - being ambassador's of Christ and sharing the hope of the gospel with others
5.  Missions by Giving, Planting Churches, going on Mission Trips -being an “on mission” church with Acts 1:8 
6.  Fellowship - sharing life with one another
7.  Outreach to the Community - sharing the gospel by word and action in the community
8.  Ministry to Church and Community - serving those in the church and community
9.  Youth and Children’s Ministry - vibrant and active Youth and Children's Ministry 
10.  Building up the Family and Healthy Marriages - It is our desire for marriages to be God - centered and healthy in order for the family to be healthy. 

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